Jahresbericht 2023 in Englisch

Christa Mayerhofer mit Christiane Blessing-Win im Gespräch

Hiermit bieten wir Ihnen unseren Jahresbericht 2023 auch in Englischer Sprache an. We are pleased to offer you our 2023 annual report in English.
Hier finden Sie unseren Jahresbericht auch in Deutscher Sprache: https://altersarmut-ulm-nein.de/?p=886

We are delighted that we were finally able to offer our support concept for financially vulnerable older people all year round in 2023. The meeting point on Karlsplatz was open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon. In July 2023, altersarmut Ulm turned no two years old. We have built up a lot in this short time and achieved a lot.

The year 2023 in figures:

18 members and dozens of users and supporters
964 visitors, an average of 80 per month
148 items of clothing and household items given away, second-hand value €554
23 events, e.g. baking, cooking, day trips, cabaret, music, lectures
10 public appearances: Equal Pay Day, volunteer fair, charity market, Kolping University Cologne podcast, ViLE webinar,
VdK district association conference, Ulm Seniors‘ Council, Christmas market, THW, Freethinkers
5 Press/interviews: Augsburger Allgemeine, Radio Donau 3 FM, SWR4, Radio Free FM, Generationentreff
6 Social media presence: engagiert in ulm, Aktion Mensch, nebenan.de, betterplace.org, WirWunder, Facebook
Countless information provided, numerous consultations held, 8 applications submitted for/with users
11 training sessions on the purpose and management of the organisation
14 donations, including 3 permanent donors, 4 major donors, 5 multiple donors and 2 grants